Core Knowledge of Using Magic to Create Change
There are three basic steps to working magick. You raise the energy. You program the energy. You direct the energy. When you begin directing the energy, you should continue to program it, while you visualize it doing what you want it to do. This is the core knowledge of using magic to create change. One should be powerful enough to influence one’s environment using the power of one’s mind alone without having to rely upon props. Ritual magick is the path to true power as it gives you magical control.
First, you have to have energy to work with, the stronger, the better. The stronger your own energy, the more energy you will naturally be able to raise, direct, and handle. The more experienced you are, the easier this becomes. All of this is like working a muscle. The more you work with it, the stronger it becomes. You raise the energy and should feel it strongly, throughout your entire body. The muscle is not a physical but an etheric muscle. You can feel and direct the energy more strongly with your feeling.
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