Conscious Resonance causes Harmony or Conflict
It is the level of resonance or dissonance between our consciousness and that of others that determines the kind of interaction what we have with them. The level of significance that others play in our lives is not how frequently we interact with them, but how meaningfully we do so. We may cross paths with a background character everyday but they leave only a fading impression on our souls. There are some we meet only once but the experience is so meaningful that it marks us for life.
Our consciousness has many frequencies of thoughts and emotions. The more frequencies we share with another, the more we have in common and the more connections we have. When one party is not consciously aware of the common frequencies that is shared with another, the person will still be unconsciously attracted into inexperience and interaction on a continual basis. But when we consciously discover and reveal the frequencies with each other, the channels of interaction open up.
It is the lack of awareness about common frequencies by either party that causes the misperception of differences. Thinking of others as not like us is what creates separation. When we find that they are so much like us, it brings a sense of oneness and connectedness. If you want to connect and unite with another, focus on the similarities and what you both have in common instead of the differences. Do this especially with someone you have love for and desire to experience that love with.
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