Connect with Universal Life Energy for Success
The absolute, the Great All, is present everywhere whether we are conscious of it or not. That means whenever we wish to come in contact with it, we do not need to think about something far distant, unattainable. When anyone realizes the Presence consciously, there it is in its full power. We can make the comparison with the ocean. One will feel all that the ocean is if he dips his hand in the water, and if one puts his hand in another part of the ocean, one will have the same result. Its full power is all places.
Whenever we contact it in its aspect of universal energy, we are at the same time in touch with its aspect of cosmic mind, thus receiving all knowledge and all wisdom. The natural result of omniscience is omnipotence, because when we know, we can. We usually cannot do things only because we do not know how. Knowledge gives us the possibility to achieve and that’s why omnipotence is the direct result of omniscience. Whenever we contact omniscience, logically, we inevitably achieve omnipotence.
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