Commanding With Authority over Your Universe
Your ability to command depends on the authority you have. Authority is taken and you take it by faith. Faith is righteousness. All things in the universe work according to righteousness, and God calls faith as righteousness. Therefore if you believe you can have something, it is yours. You can only exercise authority to the extent that you have the faith for it. In the universe, one who is in a more rightful position usually acts with more authority. Be in greater command of your world by having greater authority.
Jesus Christ says all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth, and as He is, so are we in this world. Exousia means authority and right. You must know your right to command reality as a son of God. The problem with people is that many do not know their rights, much less use them. The most powerful intentions or effective prayers are done when one knows their rights and claim them by faith. God or the Universe can only work to bring things into your life when you finally claim your God given rights.
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