Choose One Thing as your Sole Priority and Focus

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Choose One Thing as your Sole Priority and Focus

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

The principle of success is focus. It is what makes the difference between those who are successful and those who are not, regardless of how much talent, resource and energy that they have. It is a fallacy to think that the more things you do at once, the more you can accomplish. It is a counter intuitive truth that the less you do, the more you accomplish. There’s a difference between doing something and doing it completely. Achievement does not come by how much activity is done but by task completed.

Each time you have something extra to do or an additional goal to pursue, you further split your power. It might seem that you can accomplish a lot more by having more projects to work on. But if you really compare the net effect of how much you could have accomplished by channeling all your energy into one area instead of all the other areas, you would find that what you could gain in that one area is still much more than many areas combined. The best in the world focus all their power in a single place.

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