Being Alone is Good for Spiritual Development
It is better to be alone than to be in the wrong company of people. It is better to be by yourself than to be with people whom you have nothing in common and nothing to talk about. That is because, when you are with yourself, you have the space to connect with your higher self fully without the interference of incompatible consciousness of other people around you. It is very different when you are by yourself than when you are with others. Therefore it is highly important that you be with the right kind of people.
Being with the wrong kind of people only lowers your state of consciousness and shrinks your awareness. We are always affected by the collective consciousness of the people around us, because whenever we are surrounded by people, our mind becomes part of the group mind. Being by yourself actually frees you from the group mind, that is why you can connect to God best when you are alone. You can also connect with God better with the people who are truly in greater conscious resonance with you.
Be very selective with who you relate with. The more choosy you are in life, the more the universe will give you exactly what you desire. Using the power of choice expresses who we are as creators of our perfect reality. The reason why you have been experiencing unfulfilling interactions with people is because you have the wrong idea that you have to unconditionally accept everyone who comes your way. The truth is you have to reject people who are not best for you in order to accept only the best.
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