Being a Co-Creator by Using Your Godlike Power
The ultimate level of truth brings the highest level of freedom. There are many different levels of truth. As one evolves in consciousness, one will ascend the levels from the lower to the higher. All levels of truth are true in their own levels. But the higher levels supersede the lower levels. The higher the level of truth you come to realize, the greater the freedom you will possess. Consciousness evolution is an ongoing spiritual journey as you attain greater knowledge of reality and all the important aspects of it.
At a higher level of revelation, God wants you to use his power to create your reality. When we first come to know God as children, we depend on him to do things for us as Father. We acknowledge that He is all powerful and seek him to use his power on behalf of us. That is the beginning stage of knowing God and relating with Him. But as we progress in our knowledge of God, we learn that as He is, so are we in this world. We have the ability to tap into God’s divine power and direct it at will in our world.
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