Acquire what Enables you to Give your Best Gift
When you want to get something, ask yourself if you are getting it in order to give it to others or are you getting it to keep it for yourself. You might think you are getting it to give it to others, but if it is not part of the best gift that you have to give, then focus on getting that which enables you to give more of your best gift instead. Your best gift is the greatest value that you have to offer, because no one else is able to give it like you. It is your unique talent, knowledge or potential.
In life, there are many things that come our way which seem to promise us the ability to attain all that we desire. There are various paths that we can create wealth and different opportunities to make a difference in this world. What we all really want ultimately is to be fulfilled. That can only be a result of becoming all that we were meant to be, and doing all that we were meant to do. Everything that we acquire in life is to support us in fulfilling our purpose to the greatest extent.
There are many things that we are able to do that will benefit others and ourselves. As long as we are creating value in this world, we will gain value for ourselves as well. Society offers you so many ways to serve and to contribute. You could choose any of those ways and still do good to people. But that is still not good enough, because you were meant for more. You were created with a purpose that only you alone can best fulfill. Your purpose is the area where you can give your greatest gift.
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