Achieving Ultimate Aim of Life Which is Freedom
The ultimate aim of life is freedom. Life seeks more of itself. We all desire to live more, which is freedom. All wealth and power is for the purpose of having more freedom. Those who realize this simple truth are the ones who attain wealth and power in a way that makes them truly happy and fulfilled. In the pursuit of wealth and power, the aim is to create more freedom, not less. Wealth, power and freedom are one. When one becomes less free, their wealth and power are actually lessened in true measure.
The freedom we seek is the freedom to do whatever we want and have whatever we want. The more we can do what we want and have what we want, the more freedom we have. This is how you measure how much freedom you have in your life. Many people think they are quite free, but they are not really free. They are trapped in systems that prevent them from doing what they want and having what they want. They’re trapped by their own fears of going beyond the system because the system offers safety.
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