Accessing Your Inner Magic and Personal Power
Our personal power is the spirit that gives us the ability to live. Without personal power, we would die, however, our personal power is much more than that. This inner magic is one of the greatest sources that we have for the energy we use in spells and rituals. We need to be aware of it, to learn to control it and to learn to increase it.
Energy is lost and gained on a personal level every day. This happens all the time without anyone thinking about it. You gain energy from the food that you consume, and then you expend it by doing your job, or yelling at a traffic jam. You gain energy from the light of the sun and then expend it cleaning house or playing with your dog. For most people this simple exchange of energy simply goes on and never goes any further. It is important that you become aware of power expended and gained.
A magician has control over their personal energy does not expend it needlessly. This is one of the first key lessons that must be learned. Every bit of energy you expend is energy that has to be made up. If you expend energy needlessly, you will never be able to increase the amount of energy that you have. Worry and stress are prime causes of expending unnecessary energy. Rather than spending time on those emotions, it is better to address the causes of worry and stress and move on. This is a difficult lesson to learn, but also a very useful one.
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