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Vital Force or Mana is Needed for Effective Prayer

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Vital force or mana must be provided by the lower self for the use of the Higher to whom he prayed, so that the High Self would have sufficient earthy force to affect the dense and earthy level of life. The Kahunas understood that a person had three selves: The High Self, the Middle Self and the Low Self. We can also consider these to be the Superconscious, the Conscious and the Subconscious.

When you heal someone by filling them with mana, little happens unless that person’s unihipili is made very fully and clearly aware of what it is to do with that mana by way of correcting the physical ills. The unihipili is the subconscious or low self. All the rituals of the older churches and of the kahuna’s were aimed at impressing the low self. It is not enough to lay hands and repeat the Lord’s Prayer.

Prayer is not a “thinking”. It is a combination of thinking and a gesture or actual physical movement of the low self in the body – creation of mana and a giving of it. You have to move your energy body. This is why physical gestures such as flicking a finger or waving of hands is usually accompanied in magickal rituals. Usually the entire body is being put into motion through dancing or martial arts.

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