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Kundalini Energy for Manifestation of Intention

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Kundalini Energy is one of the most underutilized energies for manifesting prosperity. This energy when focused correctly can be used to bring love, light, prosperity and even Spirit into your life. Kundalini is the sacred life force of ethereal fire within you that moves through your chakra system. When you channel Kundalini, you can imbue power into your manifestation of desires. Remember that prosperity is an energy itself and the energy of Kundalini can be converted into the energy of prosperity in reality.

The physical dimensional planes were first constructed in order to give us a single moment of awareness. Prior to this, God and We (as an extension of our creator,) experienced all things in totality. The physical planes with their time and space qualities, gave God, as well as all other souls, an opportunity to experience a single moment, of anything. When we look at a blooming rose, we see the beauty of it in that single moment instead of experiencing all it ever was, all it is and all it will ever be.

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