There is No Such Thing as Karma
You are not affected karmically, but you have created the reality of being affected by such a physical phenomenon, that you may offer to yourself an objective challenge. You may validate to yourself that you hold the ability to be altering any element of your reality, no matter how absolute it appears. And within your reality, there are no absolutes. In actuality, there are no absolutes, and there is no thing within your reality that you may not alter if you are so choosing. You can change anything you desire.
There is no karma! You do not hold reincarnational lives! You are a new creation. You, physically manifest, are individual and new and perfect, and shall never be repeated, as you are not repeating another. You are your own individual personality manifest physically, which shall continue and which has always continued previously. You may create an aspect of yourself that shall continue within physical focus, but it shall be its own creation and it shall also be a new creation. Information passes to a new soul.
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