Perfect Love - Loving Without Fear or Expectation
Sometimes we hate what we used to love. We think that which we love is unworthy of our love because it has let us down greatly in some way or another. We feel like withdrawing all our love and give it to somewhere else that is more worthy to receive. It might be true that we’re in love with the wrong person, but it could also be true that we ourselves are not yet right to love that person. The negative situation we experience is meant to help us discover ourselves and what loving unconditionally really means.
Hate is an emotion that is meant to be used as an aggressive defense against any form of evil. It is a destructive force against anything that is destructive towards you. When you feel hate or anger, it just means that someone is doing something that hurts you. It is a form of self love that seeks to protect you and severe anything that isn’t beneficial for you. There is nothing wrong with the way you feel because your emotions serve as a feedback and motivating force to move towards that which is good in life.
It is when you understand what your emotions are telling you, and the reason why you feel that way, that enables you to truly resolve everything in your inner world. The reason why you feel hate and anger is because the person is doing something that hurts you. Your love for yourself repels against such an act. You feel unacknowledged, unappreciated or somehow mistreated in one way or another by the other person. Therefore you seek to redress the wrong or undeserved suffering caused by that person.
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