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Simplified Knowledge is Wisest Kind of Wisdom

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Everything has its foundation in simplicity because everything comes from the same source. To understand is to know what is underneath everything that stands. It is to get to the foundation upon which everything stands. Its to perceive from the highest level of all. Things become simpler when looking from a higher plane of view. Everything can be defined to the core. All things have their most simplified and concise state. Everything is unified and simplified. Simplified knowledge is the wisest kind of wisdom.

Whether something is complicated or simple depends on the level of awareness that the person perceiving it has. To the one who has better understanding, the complex is simple. The secret to understanding everything in a simple way is to get to the essence of things and see how they fit into the bigger picture of all things. It is to know the microcosm of a thing as well as the macrocosm. When you know the quantum level and also the meta level, you can know all levels in between easily and completely.

Nothing is complex, everything is simple. It all depends how it is organized. The complex is made simple through organization. The best structure is the structure that integrates and simplifies everything. It connects everything together and allows you to navigate all pathways from one thing to another in the most direct manner. It is the most ordered and clearest organization of things. All organization is organization of mind. When something is better organized, there is more effectiveness and efficiency.

The deeper your understanding, the simpler everything becomes to you. That is because you are getting to the essence of things. The deeper you go, the higher you ascend. What’s behind everything is also what’s above everything. To see from the highest and most fundamental place is to understand everything in life, the universe and destiny from the perspective of consciousness and reality creation. It is because consciousness is everything. It is consciousness alone that creates and directs all things.

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