2007 July

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Focus Only on Doing what God has Chosen You to Do

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

If we all did the work we were most inspired to do and truly desire and enjoy doing, then we would be giving our best gifts to the universe. All of us would benefit from each other’s best gifts. The world would truly be the best place we could live in. Each of us is not really doing our own work, but we are doing the work of the universe. The universe has chosen and created each of us to do a certain part of the work. We have been inbuilt with the inner knowing of what that part is by our heart’s desire and joy.
You are not here to do the work of another but your own. You are not irresponsible when you do not try to take care of everything. In fact, you are truly most responsible when you take care of what you truly care about. You are truly responsible when you focus only on being responsible for what is your responsibility rather than trying to take on the responsibilities that belong to others and the universe. By trying to be responsible for everything, you are neglecting the areas that you are truly responsible for.
The things that you truly care about are what the universe has placed in your heart to take care of. If it is a certain person, a group of people, a passion, a business, a calling, a mission that you really care about, then that is what the universe has chosen and created for you to give yourself to. We are not guided by outside influences as to what we are supposed to do in this world, but we are guided from the inside, from the desire of the heart which is the voice of spirit. All we have to do is to listen to it.

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