Move into Alternate Reality by Shifting Timelines
Quantum science tells us that there is not a flat line running from the past to the future. This is the view of most people, but it is based on the old science, and is no longer true. Einstein has proven that time is not fixed, it expands and it contracts. And, time has a vertical dimension. There are many “lanes of time” running simultaneously and you can change lanes. You can begin in one lane, then change lanes to produce a different outcome than you expected in the original lane. This means there are multiple possibilities existing simultaneously in any instant, subject to our conscious and intentional choice.
We have the power to direct our awareness through this field of creative intelligence scientists call the quantum hologram. And through powerful thought we can activate another vertical strand of time, one in which we are whole and well and already healed, because we never were sick. The same applies to every area of life, relationships, finances and success. Peak performance in every area of life is already a reality, in another thread of time. We have the power to activate any scenario in life that we want.
The quantum leap to a healthier you, a more abundant you, a more attractive you, a more successful you, a more youthful you, which exists in another thread of time, is possible only if you are able to break barriers of your current thinking. Your current thinking creates a prison that traps us in this linear reality of causation. When you imagine, you tap into an alternate possibility timeline where what you are imagining exists as reality. Having the feelings of experiencing that reality puts you into vibrational harmony with the frequency of that timeline. Your visualization selects one of the possible scenarios within that timeline to merge with your present timeline.
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