Mental Gender - Harmony of Conscious and Subconscious
The subconscious mind is the seat of emotion and the storehouse of memory. Your subconscious mind is also known as the subjective mind because it is in subjection to the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the seat of the will and the faculty of awareness. Your subconscious mind submits to the impressions and decisions of your conscious mind without arguing or choosing but with total compliance.
The relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind follows the principle of mental gender. Understanding the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind is the whole secret to understanding the relationship between male and female. The reverse is also true.
The conscious mind is the male, the leader and the subconscious mind is the female, the follower. The subconscious mind is a helper of the conscious mind. The more the workings of the conscious and subconscious minds are integrated, sync and in harmony, the more perfect the entire mind functions as a whole. The more creative and productive it becomes. The less harmony there is between the two, the more destructive it becomes and the more it collapses and cease to function properly.
It is not really your conscious thoughts that create your reality, but it is your subconscious beliefs. It is the subconscious mind, the feminine aspect of mind that is the creative faculty. Have you seen a man give birth? No. It’s only the woman that bears children. The conscious mind, the masculine aspect of mind conditions a thought into the subconscious mind in order to create a belief that manifests into reality. Like a seed that is impregnated into the womb, it is nurtured within and born as a child.
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